Terms and Conditions


This agreement is agreed upon by you and Dr. David Reeder, the curator and editor of this site.  Access to this site, browsing of this site, and/or use of this site is done so with a knowledge that you are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined, which contains warranty disclaimers that limit the author’s liability to you.  Please read these carefully, as accessing the information of this site signifies your acceptance of the terms and conditions.  Dr. David Reeder maintains the right to update Terms and Conditions at his discretion.  Any continued use of this website indicates acceptance of such changes.

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Medical Advice Disclaimer

Dr. David Reeder provides the site and its associated information/content contained therein for strictly informational purposes.  The contents of this blog including text, graphics, images, etc., whether original content or licensed content, is intended for informational purposes only.  Access to this site, browsing of this site, and/or use of this site including the providing of personal or medical information to the author does not constitute a physician-patient relationship between you and Dr. David Reeder or any guests which post on this site.  This site does not function as a substitute for professional medical advice, including both diagnosis and treatment.  Your use of this site is conditional on your refraining from making health /medical decisions based upon anything you obtained from this site.

Financial, Legal, and Professional Advice

No information/content obtained from this site constitutes financial, legal, and/or professional advice.  No information/content obtained from this site constitutes a professional relationship of any kind between you and Dr. David Reeder or guest authors.  Your access of information/content is contingent on you not making any financial or legal decisions based upon anything you obtained from this site. This site in, again, intended to only function in an informational capacity. It is not intended to function as a forum for patient specific information and any requests for it to function as such will not be entertained.

Information Disclaimer

The content on this site and the opinions of the author are not necessarily endorsed by, or the opinions of, the Author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of his employer(s), specifically, any one of the following:

-University of California, Irvine
-University of California, Irvine Medical Center
-Long Beach Medical Center

This site is created and curated by Dr. David Reeder in his individual capacity.  It is not edited by Dr. David Reeder’s employers and, consequently, cannot be attributed to them.  Any opinion endorsed by Dr. David Reeder and/or guest bloggers is done so within the context of research when applicable and is subject to the nuanced conditions studied within the research constructs.  Under no circumstances should research-driven opinions be used or relied upon for any other purpose aside from information, including, but not limited to, legal proceeding(s).

The content may be changed without notice.  It is not necessarily current, complete, or correct.  The author(s) undertake no obligation to update any content provided on the site.  The author(s) maintain the right to alter, including but not limited to providing edits, addendums, or deletions, at any time without either advance or retrospective notice.


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Comment Policy


The content available at this site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties expressed/implied of title, warranties expressed/implied of non-infringement, and warranties expressed/implied of merchantability or fitness.  The authors behind content made available on this site make no representations or warranties regarding information/content provided on this site with specific mention of diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment.

The authors of this site, including Dr. David Reeder, will not be liable to you or any other person under any circumstances for direct damages, indirect damages, special damages, incidental damages, exemplary damages, consequential damages, or other damages.  This applies to damages under any legal theory, including, but not limited to, contract, tort, strict liability, or other theory.  Without limiting generality of foregoing information, the authors shall not have liability in connection with this site for the following:

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-Pejorative, abusive, harassing, profane, or threatening comments.
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-Comments which belittle physicians and/or patients.
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-Off-topic hyperlinks.

This site reserves the right to delete any comment, for any reason, at any time.

Statement of Copyright

All content contained herein is subject to copyright by this site and the site’s principle author, Dr. David Reeder. Guest authors are included within the context of copyright and their content is not to be used without express permission from the guest author.  The site and the content within are protected by United States copyright laws.  The author(s) reserve all intellectual property rights contained herein.



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