
Welcome to my informational blog. You should know that I’m a shameless story teller and enjoy medical journals far too much for my own good. Hopefully, you’ll see my passion for both as you read.

Introductions and Intentions

Introductions and Intentions

“Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.” -G.M. Trevelyan

I. Love. This. Quote. Trevelyan is basically mourning the application of literacy to a lesser alternative, something less-desirable than that which is “worth reading.” Sometimes as a physician, I find myself in Trevelyan’s shoes: mourning the literary choices of my patients. As I have explored the various reasons as to why patients turn so desperately to less-than-ideal sources (*cough-that-sounds-like-google*), I can’t help but admit that many physicians don’t do a great job engaging with patients in a relatable way. Not only that, medical research is very nuanced and filled with medical jargon that is difficult to understand. In my attempts to bring my understanding of allergy / immunology to a more conversational level, I hope to address both the truths and untruths that I encounter as an allergist-in-training and immunologist-in-training. What’s more, I hope to replace them with something that isn’t only true, but reads well just the same.

The Many Meanings of Food Allergy

The Many Meanings of Food Allergy